Monday, July 14, 2008

Senarai Buku Rujukan Rekomendasi FK UKRIDA

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam
1. Cecil, R.L &b Loeb, R.R : A Textbook of Medicine
2. Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine
3. Adam’s Physical Diagnosis
4. Wintrobe, MM : Clinical Hematology
5. Goldman : Principle of Clinical Electrocardiography
6. Suparman : Buku Ajar Penyakit Dalam I/II
7. WHO : Pedoman Ilmu Kedokteran Kerja

Ilmu Kesehatan Anak
1. Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics
2. Buku Kuliah Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI

3. Buku Ajar Diare, Balai Penerbit FKUI
4. Gastroenterologi Anak Praktis, Balai Penerbit FKUI
5. Buku Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI
6. Buku Ajar Kardiologi Anak
7. Ilmu Gizi Klinik pada Anak, Prof. DR. Dr. Solihin Pudjiadi, SpAK
8. Buku Air Susu Ibu, Balai Penerbit FKUI

Ilmu bedah
1. Sabiston : Textbook of Surgery
2. Dunphy & Way : Current Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment
3. Smith, D.R : General Urology
4. Surgery of Anorectal Diseases
5. Christopher : Textbook of Surgery

Ilmu Kebidanan & Penyakit Kandungan
1. Cunningham, Mac Donald, Gant : Williams Obstetrics, Prentice Hall
2. Sarwono Prawirohardjo : Ilmu Kebidanan, Yayasan Bina Pustaka

1. Ostlene G, Bryse Smith R : Anesthesia for Medical Students, Churchill Livingstone, London
2. Safar, P : Resusitasi Jantung, Paru, Otak, Depkes
3. Atknson, R.S Lee, J.A : A Synopsis of Anesthesia, John Wright & Son, Bristol
4. Dripps, R.D, Eckenhoff, J.E : Introduction to Anesthesia, W.B Saunders Co, Philadelphia
5. Snow, J.C : Manual of Anesthesia, Little, Brown & Co, Boston
6. Norris, W. Campbell D. : Anesthetic Resuscitation and Intensive Care, Churchill Livingstone

Ilmu Penyakit Saraf
1. De Grroof J. , Chussid, G. J : Correlative Neuroanatomy Appleton & Lange, Prentice Hall International
2. Simon, R. P, Aminof, M.J, Greenbera, D.A : Clinical Neurology, International Editor Appleton & Lange, Pretice Hall International
3. Markam S : Penuntun neurologi, Binarupa Aksara, Jakarta
4. Harsono : Kapita Selekta NEurologi, Gama Press, Yogyakarta
5. Adams, R.D, Victor M. , Ropper, A.H : Principles of neurology, Mc Graw Hill
6. Alpers, B.J : Clinical Neurology
7. FKUI : Pedoman Praktis Pemeriksaan Neurologi
8. FKUI : Buku Kumpulan Kuliah Neurologi

Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa
1. Kolb & Brodie : Modern Clinical Psychiatry
2. Kaplan & Sadock : Synopsis of Psychiatry
4. DSM IV, 1994
5. UU Kesehatan No. 23 / 92

Ilmu Penyakit Mata
1. Vaughan Asbury : General Opthalmology, Lange Publication
2. Ditjen Binkesmas Depkes R.I : Buku Pedoman Kesehatan Mata & Pencegahan Kebutaan Untuk Puskesmas, 1986

3. Ilmu Penyakit Mata, AirLangga University Press
4. Sidarta Iljas : Dasar Teknik Pemeriksaan dalam Ilmu Penyakit Mata, FKUI
5. James, H. Allen, MD : May’s diseases of The Eyes

Ilmu Penyakit Telinga, Hidung & Tenggorokan
1. Iskandar N. , Soepardi E.A : Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorok FKUI
2. Soepardi, EA, Hadjat F. & Iskandar N : Penatalaksanaan Penyakit & Kelainan Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorok, FKUI
3. Balentyne & Grovers Y. : Scott Brown’s Disease of The Ear, Nose & Throat, Butter Worth Co. Ltd
4. Adam’s G.L, Boies L.P, Paparella M.A : Fundamentals of Otolaringology, W.B Saunders Co, Asean

Ilmu Penyakit Kulit & Kelamin
1. Arnold H.L, Odom L.B, James W.D : Andrew’s Disease of The Skin, Clinical Dermatology
2. Adhi Djuanda : Buku Ilmu Penyakit Kulit & Kelamin
3. Holmes, K.K et. al : Sexuality Transmitted Diseases, Mc Graw Hill Information Services Co.

Ilmu Penyakit Gigi & Mulut
1. Berkovitz, Moxham, Holland : Oral Anatomy, Wolfe Medical Publication
2. Permar D. : Oral Embryology & Microscopic Anatomy, Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger
3. Roth, G.I, Calmes R. : Oral Biology, The CV Mosby Co. St. Louis, Toronto, London
4. Shafer W.G, Hine M.K, Levy B.M : A Textbook of Oral Pathology, W.B Saunders Co.
5. Grossmann I.L : Endodontic Practice, Lea & Febiger
6. Burket, L.W : Oral Medicine Diagnosis & Treatment, J.B Lippincott
7. Fanh L. et. al : Principle and Practice of Oral Medicine
8. Roberts, D.H, Sowray, J.H : Local Analgesia in Dentistry, The Amalgamated Dental, London
9. Atlas of Local Anaesthesia In Dentistry, The Amalgamated Dental
10. Howe, G.L, Whitehead, F.J : Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry, John Ltd
11. Killey, H.C & Kay, L.W : Benign Cystic Lession of The Jaws, Their Diagnostic & Treatment
12. Archer, W.H : Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, W.B Saunders
13. Fonseca, R.J & Walker, R.V : Oral & Mxillofacial Trauma W.B Saunders

1. Meshan, I : An Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy, W.B Saunders, Philadelphia, London
2. Meshan, I : Synopsis of Analysis of Rontgen Sign in General Radiology, W.B Saunders
3. Sutton, D : A Textbook of Radiology & Imaging
4. Paul & Juhl’s : Essentials of Radiologic Imaging, J.B. Lippincott
5. S. Rasad dkk. : Radiologi Diagnostik

6. Fletcher, G.H : Textbook of Radiotherapy
7. De Vita, V.T : cancer Principles & Practice of Oncology
8. Peres, A.C & Brady, W : principles & Practice of Radiation Oncology
9. Taveras, J.M, Wood, E.H : Diagnostic Neurology
10. Cummack, D.H, Bruce, J. : Gastro Intestinal X-Ray Diagnosis, A Descriptive Atlas, E & S Livingstone Ltd
11. Sutton, D : Radiology & Imaging for Medical Students, Churcill Livingstone

1. Bertram G. Katzung : Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Lange Mc Graw Hill

2. Gilman, A.G.,,
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 8th Edition
3. Farmakologi & Terapi FKUI

1. Prof. dr Srisasi Gandahusada dkk : Parasitologi Kedokteran FKUI

1. Jawetz E., Melnick J.L. and Edelberg E.A : Review of Medical Microbiology
2. Sherris Medical Microbiology :
An Introduction to Infectious Diseases
3. Tortora , G.J., and Funke, B.R : Microbiology: An Introduction
4. Alexopoulous C.J. and Mims, C.S :
Introductory Mycology
5. Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi Kedokteran FKUI

Patologi Anatomi
1. Kissane JM, Anderson’s Pathology, 9th Ed, 1990
2. Robbins, Cotrans & Kumar, Pocket Companion to Pathologic Basis of Disease
3. Underwood, J.C.E General & Systematic Pathology, 4th Ed, Churchill Livingstone
4. Dasar-Dasar Patologi FKUI
5. Kent, T : Introduction to Human Diseases
6. Cotrane R.S., Kumar V., Robins S.L. Robins :
Pathologic Basis of Disease

1. Spence A.P. and Mason E.B : Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th. Edition,West
2. Moore L K, Agur : Essential Clinical Anatomy
3. Munandar A : Iktisar Anatomi Alat Gerak & Ilmu Gerak
4. Netter F : Atlas of Human Anatomy
Putz, R, Pabst : Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy

1. Wills E.D., Thomas J.H. and Gilham B : Wills’ Biochemical Basis of Medicine
2. Voet, D. and Voet, J.G :
3. Edwards, N.A. and Hasali, K.A :
Biochemistry and Physiology of the Cell: An Introductory Text
4. Murray, Granner, Roldwell : Lange’s Illustrated Biochemistry

1. Spence A.P. and Mason E.B : Human Anatomy and Physiology
2. Ganong, W.F :
Review of Medical Physiology
3. Sherwood : Human Physiology from Cells to System

4. Guyton & Hall, 1997, Fisiologi Kedokteran, Edisi 9, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta
5. Guyton, 1995, Fisiologi Manusia dan Mekanisme Penyakit, edisi 3, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC
6. Guyton et all, 2000, Textbook of Medical Physiology

1. Lowe, S : Human Histology
2. Zhang, S-X :
An Atlas of Histology, 1st Edition
3. Tambayong J : Praktikum Histologi

4. Leeson, Roland, Leeson, Thomas, Paparo Antony A : Buku Ajar Histologi (Textbook of Histology)
5. Ronald, A, Bergman, Adel K Afifi, Paul M Hidger : Histology

"buku yang baik adalah buku yang selalu dibaca'

*Nama buku yang dihighlight adalah yg paling dikomenkan dan bahan-bahan yg byk diguna pakai utk kuliah.

Izzun Nasheef Hasmuri
Exco Akademik


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